Just a project...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace test
class test
public static void showMod(Model obj)
Console.WriteLine("Model: " + obj.model);
public static void showCap(Model obj)
Console.WriteLine("Capacity: " + obj.capacity);
public static void showAcc(Model obj)
Console.WriteLine("Accelerate: " + obj.accelerate);
public static void showCol(Model obj)
Console.WriteLine("Color: " + obj.color);
public static void Main(string[] args)
Model[] tab = new Model[7];
Model.ShowCallBack[] shows = new Model.ShowCallBack[4];
shows[0] = new Model.ShowCallBack(test.showMod);
shows[1] = new Model.ShowCallBack(test.showCap);
shows[2] = new Model.ShowCallBack(test.showAcc);
shows[3] = new Model.ShowCallBack(test.showCol);
tab[0] = new Osobowy( 10, "BMW 316", 0, "osobowy", 4, 4, "czerwony");
tab[1] = new Osobowy(8, "BMW 520", 0, "osobowy", 4, 4, "zielony");
tab[2] = new Osobowy(5, "BMW 740", 0, "osobowy", 4, 4, "srebrny");
tab[3] = new Osobowy(9, "BMW X3-1", 0, "osobowy", 4, 4, "zielony");
tab[4] = new Osobowy(8, "BMW X5-2", 0, "osobowy", 4, 4, "czerwony");
tab[5] = new Dostawczy( 14, "Fiat Doblo", 700, "dostawczy", 4, 4, "biały");
tab[6] = new Dostawczy( 12, "Ford Tranzit", 750, "dostawczy", 4, 4, "szary");
Random r = new Random();
int which;
Console.WriteLine("Model \t{0,8} \t{1,11} \t{2,5}", "Kolor", "Ładowność", "Przyśpieszenie");
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
// cw1/2
//Console.WriteLine(tab[i].model + "/t{0,8} \t{1,11} \t{2,5}", tab[i].color , tab[i].capacity, tab[i].accelerate);
which = r.Next(0,4);
public class Samochód
public string type;
public int doors;
public int wheels;
public string color;
public Samochód(string typ, int door, int wheel, string col)
type = typ;
doors = door;
wheels = wheel;
color = col;
/* cw2
public virtual void show()
Console.WriteLine("Nie przeciazyles");
public class Model : Samochód
public int accelerate;
public string model;
public int capacity;
public Model(int acc, string mod, int cap, string typ, int door, int wheel, string col) : base( typ, door, wheel, col)
accelerate = acc;
model = mod;
capacity = cap;
public delegate void ShowCallBack(Model test);
public void show(ShowCallBack test)
interface Ishow
public void show();
public class Osobowy : Model //, Ishow cw2
public Osobowy(int acc, string mod, int cap, string typ, int door, int wheel, string col) : base(acc, mod, cap, typ, door, wheel, col) { }
/* cw2
public override void show()
Console.WriteLine(model + "/t{0,8} \t{1,11} \t{2,5}",color, "x", accelerate);
public class Dostawczy : Model //, Ishow cw2
public Dostawczy(int acc, string mod, int cap, string typ, int door, int wheel, string col) : base(acc, mod, cap, typ, door, wheel, col) { }
/* cw 2
public override void show()
Console.WriteLine(model + "/t{0,8} \t{1,11} \t{2,5}", color, capacity, accelerate);
...Ale że co?
Chociaż standard na to zezwala, to ogólnie bardzo źle widziane jest przypisywanie nazw typów z polskimi krzakami (Samochód)